Baby pictures’ll show Ralph Edward and Donnie Sue raised a chubby cherub who grew to husky youngster; born to the sweetest, warmest, deepest- and fiercest-loving parents, Pop and Sweet Mom provided the darkest, richest earth in which a li’l mansprout could ever hope to plant himself.

Austin Creek Missionary Baptist Church ignited my fire in faith, community, and family made instead of inherited.  My love of music only swelled from lifting those shape notes from the hymnals’ pages, showing me how song could melt a heart and thrill a soul.  

I was a panther through and through, first at Cleveland K-12 and then on to the Hilltop of Birmingham-Southern College.  More than books and classes, I found my people, discovered myself, realized my passions, initiated my tribe.

Though I treasure my Alabama roots, there’s a whole WORLD to see and I didn’t want to waste a MINUTE gettin’ out in it.  I’ve been blessed beyond measure to experience a bounty of wonders this ol’ world has to offer.  When I roam, I have ALWAYS taken a bit of home with me.  I donned crimson and white trekkin’ Everest.  I sang “Sweet Home Alabama” from a guard station on the Great Wall of China.  Hell, I hollered “ROLL TIDE!” at some lady sportin’ orange and blue at the Vatican.  Bless ‘er heart. 


And this morning, Alabama, I am awash in love and gratitude I feel for you.  Yesterday, the WHOLE WORLD was watching as you proved what I have been preachin’ for TWENTY YEARS:  Alabama is chockablock with kind, strong, generous, intelligent, creative, caring, hard-working people.  I know it, y’all know it.  Now EVER’BODY knows it.  

 Some other gems gleaned yesterday that I suspected and delivered:

A VOTE IS NEVER WASTED.  Write-in folks?  I’m lookin’ at YOU.  Many of you crossed an aisle to accomplish what you saw as the greater good.  Y’all turned the TIDE on this (see what I did there?).  Thank you.

ALABAMIANS OF COLOR?  YOUR VOTE MATTERS.  Especially you, strong black ladies and powerful black men of my home state.  I give you a flower for the guff some tolerated at your polling places.  You stuck to your guns and you cast your ballot. 

YOUNG VOTERS?  You don’t need white at your temples or specs on your nose to be wise.  Your numbers and conviction got you heard.  I look forward to hearing more from you in the future.  You are the foundation and future of Alabama, the nation.  

No matter what the media tries to tell you, regardless of what Mildred confided at the Piggly Wiggly, or how bookface, tweeterbug, or insta assault you in the days to come, I want you to remember this:  

I’ve seen us win S.E.V.E.R.A.L.  crystal footballs in my time, and that’s INCREDIBLE, and y’all KNOW how much I love my team.  The world may burn tomorrow.  But today?  Today I celebrate the fact that there was a line drawn in the sand and Alabama?  My people?  MY FOLKS?